Paper Marbling

In the present day, many artists struggle to find innovative ways to produce paintings. They inventively demonstrate that the technique is much more than bristles brushes and traditional canvases, whether they use their fingertips or food particles. Though, it may appear to be a unique approach to art forms, Ebru painting as a type of art that use water, dye, and an awl, has demonstrated a commitment to innovation for generations.

What is Ebru painting?

Ebru painting is a unique form of aquatic art that is utilised to create mesmerising compositions. Ebru paintings, particularly popular in Turkey and Central Asia, are created utilising dyes, a water-based solution, and a collection of specialised instruments. Similar to printing, Ebru art is produced by transferring designs, patterns, and motifs onto paper, fabric, and other canvases.

Ebru, also known as paper marbling, is a Turkish art form from Central Asia that dates back to the early 16th century Ottoman empire. During the Ottoman period, the Ottomans utilised ebru to enhance and decorate the spines of books with intricate designs and vibrant colours. In addition to being decorative, it also functioned as a form of coding. If the pattern on the spine was disrupted, one would know that pages were missing from the book and that the message had been intercepted.

It is an art style in which the artist paints directly on the water surface in a shallow tray. Once the designing of the pattern is complete, a sheet of paper is placed on the surface to transfer the design from the water onto the paper. Though the process seems straightforward, which it is in practice, but the results are difficult to achieve. Several ebru artists have to paint for decade before they are considered as true masters of the art.