Kufi “Muhammed”
£1,100.00Discover the exquisite beauty of Nazli Durmusoglu’s unique tezhib artwork, where classical illumination techniques meet Kufic calligraphy in a harmonious blend of creativity and skill. This captivating piece honors the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) through a mesmerizing combination of circles and hexagons.
Lale-i Nazenin
£320.00The delicate beauty of Nazli Durmusoglu’s unique tezhib artwork, where tradition meets innovation. This enchanting Istanbul Tulip design, symbolizing two lovers embracing, is brought to life through the intricate hatching technique on watercolor.
Lale-i Nazenin
£55.00The delicate beauty of Nazli Durmusoglu’s unique tezhib artwork, Lale-i Nazenin, where tradition meets innovation. This enchanting Istanbul Tulip design, symbolizing two lovers embracing, is brought to life through the intricate hatching technique on watercolor.
Lale-i Nazenin (Kind Tulip 2)
£350.00The delicate beauty of Nazli Durmusoglu’s unique tezhib artwork, where tradition meets innovation. This enchanting Istanbul Tulip design, symbolizing two lovers embracing, is brought to life through the intricate hatching technique on watercolor.
Lale-i Nazenin (Kind Tulip)
£62.00The delicate beauty of Nazli Durmusoglu’s unique tezhib artwork, where tradition meets innovation. This enchanting Istanbul Tulip design, symbolizing two lovers embracing, is brought to life through the intricate hatching technique on watercolor.
Looking at Istanbul (Printed)
£135.00The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed this harmonious and coherent miniature art. She inspired from her imagination of aerial view of Istanbul. She imagined prominent features of the historic city of Istanbul, seagulls, tulips Galata Tower, Bosphorus. As you may see, there are many micro-details which can only be seen with magnifying glass.
£275.00Murakka is a type of traditional art created by gluing various artworks on top of each other on cardboard. In this example, the artist has combined three different ebru styles: battal (stone pattern), çiçek (floral) and kumlu (sandy), all designed to complement one another. The artist has used the battal ebru style to create the outer frame of this work, which is one of the basic patterns and is widely used in marbling, and the kumlu ebru style to create the inner frame, which is usually applied as a thin sill, drawn on the edges of the flowered marbling.
Maiden’s Tower
£130.00Step into a realm of imagination and beauty with Berna’s exquisite depiction of The Maiden’s Tower. Through the delicate and intricate strokes of miniature art, Berna brings to life her unique vision and taste, creating a mesmerizing masterpiece that captivates and inspires.
Maiden’s Tower
£42.00Step into a realm of imagination and beauty with Berna’s exquisite depiction of The Maiden’s Tower. Through the delicate and intricate strokes of miniature art, Berna brings to life her unique vision and taste, creating a mesmerizing masterpiece that captivates and inspires.
Map of Pir-i Reis
The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, intricately applies the detailed and precise techniques of miniature art. This artwork is the combination of two arts: Calligraphy and Miniature. The map is drawn by Pir-I Reis who was the Ottoman-Turkish admiral and cartographer born at Gelibolu during the. According to historians, he was the first cartographer providing the most accurate description of America and some places of Africa. The artist used one of his map presented to Ottoman Sultan Selim I in 16th century. The artist created a scene surrounding the map. The scene reflects Ottoman villages as well as elements of journeys including ships, sea, wind and compass. The precision of the details in the scene can only be visible through a magnifying glass, are reflected in the mastery of the miniature art. The calligraphy is also written by the artist. The artwork is made on kid leather, which is one of the hardest surfaces to depict an artwork, particularly fine details.
Medium Size Bowl
£25.00This handmade artwork is designed and made by Emsele BAL. It is made using the traditional method that takes almost 40 days from the traditional dough to the printed version of the original miniature artwork.
£420.00String art or pin and thread art, is characterized by an arrangement of colored thread strung between points to form geometric patterns or representational designs such as a ship’s sails. In Turkish, it is called as philogprahy. In this design, a Dervish is descripted while he is in complete devout position to Allah and being surrounded by “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (English: In the Name of God the Merciful- Arabic: ‘بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ)” It takes 2-3 days entirelu to complete nailing the frame over a velvet foundation and then 4-5 days to knitting it with the string.