Sema Yurtseven
35 Basmala
£155.00Basmala is the Islamic Phrase meaning ‘in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful’.
It is a belief that if Basmala is written 35 times on a piece of paper and hung it on a wall, it protects from evil eye, devil, and jinn as well as increases wealth and earnings.
Initially, the calligrapher (who is unknown) wrote this Hilye on the cardboard and the illuminator, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed and applied this harmonious and coherent illumination art. In the original artwork, real gold is used for the yellow parts you see here.
A Full Moon in Istanbul (Printed)
£125.00This artwork is the printed version of the original miniature artwork. The original one is made on a marbling artwork, which you can see as sandy background in the artwork. The artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed this artwork. As you may see, this miniature is consisted of many small details which can only be detected by zooming.
A Headstone
£300.00The illumination artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely applied this harmonious and coherent artwork. The design is a replication of one of the headstones from Ottoman Empire. She used the tarama technique, which is used to make the motif look like stylized objects from nature. It is very difficult technique to apply perfectly. When you zoom to the artwork, you may see how details and transition of colours are applied clearly and sharply.
A Ship in an Adventure (Printed)
£80.00The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed this harmonious and coherent miniature art. She inspired from her imagination of ships in historic times and their journeys on the unrecognized waters. w As you may see, there are many micro-details which can only be seen by directly looking the original artwork with magnifying glass.
Angels (Printed)
£1,550.00The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed and applied this harmonious and coherent miniature art.
For the artist, angels represent innocence and purity. They are intermediaries between God and humanity. Angels reach out humans to meet their needs. In this scene, angels are over the clouds in the sky and helping out to human beings. This scene is a depiction of an imagination. She used a silk hand-made paper to reflect the delicacy of angels. Mastery lies on creating these micro-details without any mistake with a great consistency.
Aquarius (Original)
£215.00The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed and applied this harmonious and coherent miniature art. She inspired from her daughter who is Aquarius. As you may see, there are many micro-details which can only be seen by lookıng at the original artwork via magnifying glass.
Arnavutkoy Mansions (Printed)
£125.00The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed and applied this harmonious and coherent miniature art. She inspired from the waterfront mansions of Bosphorus in the district, Arnavutkoy, in Istanbul. As you may see, there are many micro-details which can only be seen with magnifying glass.
Ayat-al Kursi
£75.00Ayat-al Kursi is regarded as one of the most powerful ayahs in the Quran. It is strongly believed that when it is recited, it protects you, your home and your family. Its inscription is hung to protect the house from theft.
Initially, the calligrapher (who is unknown) wrote this Hilye on the cardboard and the illuminator, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed and applied this harmonious and coherent illumination art. In the original artwork, real gold is used for the yellow parts you see here.
£110.00Basmala is the Islamic phrase meaning ‘in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful’.
Initially, the calligrapher (who is unknown) wrote this Basmala on the cardboard and the illuminator, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed and applied this harmonious and coherent illumination art. In the original artwork, real gold is used for the yellow parts you see here.
Cancer (Astrology) (Original)
£392.00The miniature artist, Sema Yurtseven, has uniquely designed this harmonious and coherent miniature art. She inspired from the idea of how a horoscope, Cancer, may have an impact on a person. The artist used a silk paper, which needs an expertise to use.
As you may see, there are many micro-details which can only be seen by magnifying glass.
Face to Face
£375.00The calligraphy in the artwork is called as ‘Musenna Calligraphy’. Musenna means ‘two parts or two folded’. This style of calligraphy is also called as mirror calligraphy. This artwork is a great example of a symmetrically arranged calligraphy.