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Akkase is a type of marbling in which writing or pattern is obtained by taking more than one marbling on the same paper

A light marbling is made on the floor. From the outer borders of the desired shape, the ground marbling transferred on. The Akkase is completed when the desired pattern (it can be calligraphy, miniature or pattern) is cut out of the paper, the template is removed, adhered to the light-ground marbling with semi-adhesive spray adhesives, marbling again and the template is removed.



Battal marbling is the name of the first and most important form, which is the basis of all forms of marbling art.

In this form, where the paints remain as they are poured from the brush, the artist has no further touch. The elements that determine the mastery and beauty of this technique are the balanced brush strokes and colour harmony, which will ensure that the paints fall on the surface in equal intervals and sizes.



Battal marbling is the name of the first and most important form, which is the basis of all forms of marbling art.



Battal marbling is the name of the first and most important form, which is the basis of all forms of marbling art.



Battal Ebru is the basis form.

In this form, the paints remain where they are sprinkled on the solution. The elements that determine the mastery and beauty of this technique are the balanced brush strokes and colour harmony, which will ensure that the paints fall on the surface in balanced intervals and sizes.

It can be made by throwing paints of different colours in layers, up to about four colours.

Behind the Clouds


This artwork was made with a muraqqa technique.

Muraqqa (Murakka) is an example of beautiful writing written on a paper glued on top of each other like cardboard. In the art of marbling, it is a form of sandy marbling with a thin sill drawn on the edges of the flowered marblings and arranged with a matching coloured battal on the outside. Tahrir is drawn in optional colours -usually gold or silver- around the sills.

Blue – Green Tile Ball for Ceiling Decorations


This artwork is designed and made by Songul ERGUN. It is made using the traditional method that takes almost 40 days from the traditional dough to the printed version of the original miniature artwork.

Blue and Orange


Battal marbling is the name of the first and most important form, which is the basis of all forms of marbling art.

In this form, where the paints remain as they are poured from the brush, the artist has no further touch. The elements that determine the mastery and beauty of this technique are the balanced brush strokes and colour harmony, which will ensure that the paints fall on the surface in equal intervals and sizes.

Blue Daisies Vase


This handmade artwork is designed and made by Emsele BAL. It is made using the traditional method that takes almost 40 days from the traditional dough to the printed version of the original miniature artwork.

Blue Flower Bud Vase


This handmade artwork is designed and made by academic artist Emsele BAL. It is made using the traditional method that takes almost 40 days from the traditional dough to the printed version of the original miniature artwork.

Blue Flower Tiny Bowl


This handmade artwork is designed and made by Emsele BAL. It is made using the traditional method that takes almost 40 days from the traditional dough to the printed version of the original miniature artwork.

Blue Flowers Tile Ball for Ceiling Decorations


This artwork is designed and made by Songul ERGUN. It is made using the traditional method that takes almost 40 days from the traditional dough to the printed version of the original miniature artwork.